spring in their step as they walked into this SoBo five-star on Friday night for the launch of Yuva, India’s first youth viewspaper, brought to you by e-sense Entertainment.
Youth, vision, attitude — those were the words branded about as guests leafed through the pages of this tri-weekly tabloid described as the youth mouthpiece. Priced at Re 1 and aimed at the 18 to 23 year-old age group, it hits the stand every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
The night began slow and steady but soon picked up pace with the young ones and the young at heart getting into the groove with DJ music in the air and the voice of Malishka who conducted the proceedings.
The viewspaper’s ponytailed editor Rajeev Pai seemed excited with the edition as did key personnel behind the publication — politician Narayan Rane’s son Nitesh Rane, Rahul Bage, CEO Yuva and Amit Gupta, head of marketing and communication.
The merry mix of guests included police personnel A A Khan and Y P Singh, dentist Sandesh Mayekar who puts a smile on many a famous face and surgeon Dilip Galwankar who was in an animated conversation with Krishna Hegde, VP, North-West District Congress Committee.
There were also many youthful couples like Remu and Naaz Zaveri (wearing Indian attire) and Divya Palat and Aditya Hitkari, who spoke excitedly about their upcoming production of ‘The Wizard of Oz’. Quite a ‘news’ and ‘views’ filled do, this.